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With over 50 years of experience 3A Composites is listening to the needs of architects, fabricators and installers. Thousands of projects worldwide serve as an inspirational starting point in the planning process of any construction project.
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ALUCOBOND® A2 is our non-combustible aluminium composite panel used in architecture that fulfills the respective standards worldwide. Thanks to its mineral-filled core, ALUCOBOND® A2 meets the strict requirements of the fire regulations and enhances the possibilities for the concept and design of buildings.
ALUCOBOND® PLUS is a composite panel consisting of two aluminium cover sheets and a mineral-filled polymer core. The superb properties of this material boost one's inspiration and offer architecture a whole new range of solutions
In contrast to conventional honeycomb composite panels, the system components of ALUCORE® are bonded in a continuous process. The material does not become brittle-hard but shows tough and resilient properties and excellent peel strength-the basis for a high product quality. Planners, architects and designers appreciate ALUCORE® because it combines high mechanical properties, such as the tensile strength of the cover sheets, with outstanding processing and aesthetic features.