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EQUITONE facade materials offer unparalleled design flexibility. The fiber cement material is through-colored, which means the surface displays the inner texture and color of the core fiber cement material. No matter what facade design options you explore, the through-colored materials can be transformed into crisp, monolithic facade details.
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EQUITONE has achieved Cradle to Cradle Certified® at the Bronze level for all fibre cement materials. Recognized as a preferred product sustainability standard throughout the building industry, certification allows architects know immediately that a material meets some of the world’s most rigorous performance standards for humans and for the environment.
EQUITONE [linea] is a unique 3D shaped, through-colored facade material that plays with light and shadow.
EQUITONE [lunara] is a through colored panel. The surface of the panel is characterized by a randomized textured finish that is unique. The two color shades accentuate the authenticity of the material. The panel receives a hydrophobation that makes the panel water repellent.
EQUITONE [natura] is a through-colored facade material. Every EQUITONE [natura] panel is unique, subtly displaying a smooth monolithic finish with visible fibers.
EQUITONE [pictura] is a fiber cement facade material with ultra matte architectural finish. Choose a vibrant or natural hue, or create a custom color for projects over 20,000 ft2.
EQUITONE [tectiva] is a through-colored facade material, characterized by a sanded surface and naturally occurring hues within the material. Every tectiva panel is unique, strongly expressing the raw texture of the fiber cement material.