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The result of this alchemy is a technical wood, which can help overcome the limits of wood, enhancing durability and preventing the need for constant maintenance, while keeping its natural look and materialit
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Greenwood Greendeck is the ultimate solution for outdoor environments. Water and UV resistant, Greendeck is certified slip-resistant and impervious to variations in humidity. Unlike even the most precious varieties of wood, it never splinters and does not require any special maintenance.
Modulatus is an indoor cladding system, consisting of staves of various shapes and colours that can be used to create spectacular decorative, aesthetic solutions.It can be used as a covering for both walls and suspended ceilings.
WoodN Modulatus is an outdoor cladding system, consisting of staves of various shapes that can be used to create spectacular decorative, aesthetic solutions. It can be used as a covering for walls, rainscreens and suspended ceilings.
WoodN Ornans it is the two-faced technical covering conceived to best meet the demands of contemporary architecture and interior design. Lightness, thickness and easy installation make this product applicable on any surface.
WoodN Versatilis, VERTICAL BEAUTY. Versatilis is a complete, flexible system for creating claddings, sunscreens, parapets and fences. The strong points of WoodN Versatilis are its lightness, sturdiness and resistance to elements such as fire, water and wind.